02 January, 2022

iSpy #52

 iSpy #52  the last week of the year.

Every week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday).  It's always wonderful to see how people are inspired.

The prompts for this week were:  Needles, colour Black, Great, Starts with R, your choice.

NEEDLES:  in my case, knitting needles.

BLACK:  I normally have the black candle holder and the black candlestick sitting in the window, but I decorated the candle stick with  silver curly ribbon and black baubles and hung a glass beaded (with black) decoration to catch the light.  My colour theme this year was black & silver.

GREAT:  Known as the giants of the forest, in our backyard we have a young kauri tree that is so far only about 9m tall with a girth of 1m.

FYI:  Kauri are among the world's mightiest trees, growing to over 50m tall, with trunk girths up to 16m, and living for over 2,000 years.  Agathis australis, commonly known by its Māori name kauri (pronounced "Ko-ree"), is a coniferous tree found in the northern regions of New Zealand's North Island.  The largest kauri trees did not attain as much height or girth at ground level but contain more timber in their cylindrical trunks than comparable Sequoias with their tapering stems.

STARTS WITH R: Rabbits.  This year we have had three wild rabbits and a black domestic escapee living here.  One  day I snapped a rabbit frolicking on the lawn just outside the dining room window.

OWN CHOICE:  At the moment I am duck-sitting Maggie and her eight ducklings while our son and his family are away on holiday.  We have had them 6 days and I'm sure they have doubled in size already.

Check out the offerings this week, here: ispy-52


  1. What wonderful photos Carol - loving the knitting needles, and your black photo looks amazing
    Stay safe

  2. Oh Carol my favourite post, do love these little insights. Love the wool gorgeous colour too. The candle stick is very pretty, that tree is massive, wow, and to think it has a long way to go yet.Do you just love to see rabbits, I do so cute and the Ducks are so gorgeous, I always wanted abit of land with a duck pond :)) love nature. Thanks so much for sharing Carol.xxx

  3. Great pics Carol love the nature ones-the tree,great one of the rabbit and love the ducks -a fox got the last two we had!
    Carol x

  4. Love the little bunny jumping through the grass! That tree sounds so interesting-- what a great shot of it too.

  5. Lovely photos! The ducklings are so cute!

  6. I loved learning about the kauri tree and what fun to duck-sit!!! Also, that's a great action shot of the rabbit and I love your different take on "needles."

  7. The ducks and bunny pics are my favs!


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