05 February, 2022

iSpy #56

I'm a bit late for this week's one , when I went to post it the linky had closed. Here it is anyway!

Every week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

 iSpy:  the prompts this week are: On your plate, Hanging, starts with A, pile, Choose anything (monthly).

On Your Plate:  I always enjoy fresh eggs for breakfast from my fat bottom girls. 

Hanging:  Passionfruit, Oh YUM!  Our passionfruit vine has an amazing crop this year, so I have made some passionfruit sauce to go on top of the cheesecake I made to take out to friends for dinner tonight.

Starts with A: Apples.  Just coming ripe and laden with juicy goodness.

Pile:  Books.  Nothing better than stretching out in the shade with a pile of books.

Choose anything (monthly):  our birdbath.  We are being visited by lots of birds lately because we are in near drought conditions and the birds are thirsty and hot.  Easy to provide a cool drink and the odd bath.

Check out the offerings, here:  ispy-56  


  1. Hi Carol, I love these little insights to your life, so interesting. Your so lucky to get such fresh eggs, looks yummy, the fruit trees are gorgeous, and whats nicer on a warm summer day than to sit back awhile with a good book. Last but not least the birds, do you love to watch them splashing about in the bath, its a wonderful sight. Thanks for sharing carol.xx

  2. Thanks Janette. Yes we love to watch the birds, that's why it is outside the dining room window. CarolG

  3. Love your photos for the ispy challenge.Miss our fresh eggs and those apples look delicious
    Carol x

  4. There is nothing quite like fresh eggs! I always have a good pile of books that I'm working my way through.

  5. Loving the egg photo - and your orchard looks to be cropping wonderfully this year.
    Yes we are also very dry here, the rain is most welcome, and I am sure the birds are loving it!!
    Another wonderful selection of photos Carol
    Stay safe

  6. Passionfruit sauce on cheesecake sounds delicious and unusual!

  7. I don't know if I've ever had passion fruit and I KNOW I haven't had it fresh. Your monthly bird bath picture is such a great idea!


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