15 February, 2022

Spy #58

 iSpy #58

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

This week the prompts are:  Spot in Town, Starts with Y, Spent, Stacked, Your Choice.

Spot in Town:  this is our local shopping center at Tamahere village. In the far distance is the retirement village we are moving to, in the middle distance is the kids playground, skate park and sports fields, and in the foreground are the superette, doctors, dentist/accountant, and closest is the pharmacy and physiotherapist.  Behind me is a cafe and restaurant, health food shop, beauty salon, sports shop and bakery. To the left is the school and day care centre.  Taken at 6.30pm.  I took it here because we don't go into town (Hamilton) much.

Starts with Y:  Yarn.  I spun this with the fleece from one of our sheep (Flossie) that we had at a previous property.

Spent:  The hydrangeas lining our driveway are out in flower over the summer, but somehow there is the spent flower or skeleton from last year still on the plant.

Stacked:  Here is some of the wood Ian has hoarded for his wood turning projects.  It used to be in a tin shed in the same spot, but over the weekend we had a cyclone and the shed flipped over and crumpled up, leaving everything in place.

Your choice:  Today I went out to inspect the grapes to see how ripe they were.  They looked so cool and delicious on such a hot day ... but not quite ready yet.

Come and have a looks at these clever people, here:  ispy-58


  1. Wonderful photos Carol - love your little town centre, and I must admit, that stacked wood and the story behind it was unexpected.... we got off quite lightly as far as the winds went... but we certainly got some heavy rain!!
    Stay safe

  2. Oh my goodness; glad the cyclone only took the shed and not the house. Was that scary?! That is not something we are used to dealing with here. Love the yarn photo and all the textures in it. The grapes look yummy and so vibrant!

  3. Love all the pictures again Carol, as you know this has to be one of my favourite posts, that yarn looks so soft and those grapes, wow. I hope everyone stayed safe, thankfully just your shed went, can't imagine how scary it must be.xx

  4. Great pics and those grapes look delicious,and wow wool from your own sheep!Looks like you have everything needed within a short distance from the retirement village
    Carol x

  5. These are beautiful photos. It is nice to read on this photo challenge.

  6. I'm glad all you lost in the cyclone was the shed. Hopefully there wasn't too much other damage. I LOVE fresh grapes but get to eat them off the vine so rarely. YUM!!!

  7. Lovely photos! the yarn looks SO soft, and I am imagining how good those juicy grapes will taste when they are ripe!

  8. Great grape capture! So jealous you can grow grapes there.


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