06 March, 2022

iSpy #61

 iSpy #61

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

This week the prompts are: Window View Quarterly, Topped Off, On Time, Starts with P, your choice.

Window View:  this is what I see from my desk upstairs in the craft room.  Often quail families will wander by and Mr Pheasant of course, not mention all the other birds that visit.  I will miss it when we leave.  In this pic I like the fact that the blinds reflected in my oh-so-clean windows to make a nice border.

Topped Off:  What better than icecream TOPPED OFF with passionfruit sauce?

ON TIME:  This is a clock Ian made from an old fence post complete with nail holes.  Isn't he clever?

Starts with P:  this one has to be Peppers.  This plant seems to grow all sorts of colours including red, green, brown, and black!  How does it do that??

Your choice:  I choose Blackberries.  These are thornless ones I grow in the garden; I get a handful every two days - perfect for a smoothie.

I hope you will go and look a the other blogs, here:  ispy-61


  1. Of course your windows are sparkling clean at that height ;)! What a wonderful selection of photos Carol with great interpretation of the prompts too.
    Those peppers are fascinating!!
    Stay safe

  2. My favourite post Carol :)) I love the view, its just beautiful, and your peppers and fruits are lovely, the clock your hubby made is wonderful.xx

  3. Ha! Maxine, they are really hard to clean at that height. We have to get a scaffold to reach the outside, and being in the country, there is a lot of dust and pollen. The inside is easy though.

  4. Love all your pics for this challenge,fantastic views and love the fabulous clock-very clever.
    Carol x

  5. Lovely view - and that clock is wonderful! So interesting that you can grow black peppers!

  6. What a lovely view from your window! Your topped off photo looks yummy and those blackberries are just perfect.

  7. Oh, I love your window view and I hope you get some good bird watching in at your new place too. I would love to grow blackberries -- yum!!!

  8. Gorgeous window view. Can't wait to plant out my garden soon!


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