28 March, 2022

iSpy #64

 iSpy #64

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

This week the prompts were: Lined, Spiral, Spotted, Ordered, your choice.

Lined: I made this patchwork bag a while ago.  When I made it I wanted a punchy lining so that when it was opened it was surprising.  I used a fabric with encouragement words in different colours.    Huh, I just realised it's spotted too.

Spiral:  This is my homemade bird scarer!  It's a plastic spiral attached to the archway thing I use for the bean frame, and hangs down with a CD attached to it.  It spins in the breeze.

Spotted:  My spotted cookie jar - I see it everyday and it cheers me up it's such a happy colour.


Your choice:  At last I have some monarch caterpillars on my swan plant.  Earlier in the summer the wasps got them when they were little caterpillars.  The plant has flowered and even got swans.

I hope you enjoy this little slice of my life.  

See what others have in their lives, here:  ispy-64


  1. I especially like the patchwork bag and the bright colored monarch caterpillars. And I admit it's very satisfying to see boots and shoes lined up so neat and orderly.

  2. What a wonderful bag Carol, and I love your swan plant and caterpillars! I agree that your jar is cheerful. Your bird scarer made me smile - well done

  3. I always get excited when I see your i-spy post is up Carol, I really love to have a nosey round, as you know :)) The bag you made is really lovely, what a great liner, and you got really creative with the thingy to keep the birds off, I used to have some pots like that cookie jar, I love red and white and of course the dotty pattern, always a winner,how organised are those shoes and last but not least the beautiful caterpillers, your so lucky to see such beauty. Thanks for sharing once again Carol.xx

  4. What a lovely bag; I love the unexpected pop of color inside. Those caterpillars look nice and healthy! How wonderful to have so many in your garden.

  5. I love the patchwork bag you made and the monarch caterpillars are so beautiful
    Carol x

  6. Your cookie jar is so cheerful!!! And that's a great picture of the caterpillars.

  7. What a CUTE cookie jar! Monarch caterpillars are so beautiful.


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