19 April, 2022

iSpy #67

 iSpy #67

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

This week the prompts were:  Workspace quarterly, Out of the blue, Starts with B, Apple, your choice.

Workspace quarterly:  My home office cupboard:

Out of the Blue: 

Starts with B:  Buttons button buttons!  I inherited this huge jar from my friend Lynn, every time I see it I remember the happy times we spent stitching together.  I like the old jar too.

Apple:  Before and after.  I like the lone apple framed like this.

Your choice:  We have been hanging out for some rain to relieve the drought, and we finally got 4mm last week.  Better than nothing (and better than the little sprinkle the week before which did nothing) and it's amazing how quickly things perk up in the garden.  We have a bit more rain forecast for this week YAY.

I hope you enjoyed the wander through my life last week.  Check out what the others did last week at: ispy-67


  1. I like your cozy workspace and the jars of buttons. Random button collections seem to spark good memories, don't they? Hope you get the rest of the rain you need to keep everything green and growing!

  2. Isn't it amazing how we hang out for rain when things are this dry, but once it's been more than a couple of days, we are 'over' it....
    Loving your photos Carol, especially the apple one :)

  3. I love a wander through your life Carol, always so full of interesting bits and bobs, glad you finally got the rain you need, if only to help the gardens and crops.xx

  4. Glad you are getting some much needed rain! I love that before and after photo with the apples; that's a clever idea. Those blue yarn colors are so pretty.

  5. Great pics on the prompts-gld to see you got some rain and love the before and after of the apple
    Carol x


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