06 June, 2022

iSpy #74

 iSpy #74

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

I'm back, moved in at the new house, but not unpacked properly yet.

This week the prompts were:  Window view quarterly, happy, nearby, loud, your choice.

Window view quarterly:  The view from the bump-out window looking down the side of the house toward the street.  This is a lovely place to sit with a cuppa, read a book or whatever.  It will take a little time for the garden to grow.

Happy:  This sign at the dental studio is sure to make you feel happy about being there.

Nearby:  At the moment we are in the midst of a building site.  Two houses at the back (the photo) and three houses at the front are being built.  The should all be finished in the next two months.

Loud:  a table saw is noisy (why isn't he wearing ear protection?).  Back at the Rosebanks house Ian is finishing off some new shelves for me to store my crafting stuff on.  Once the new people take over at the end of July he won't have a workshop to do stuff like that.

Your choice:  I have joined an Art class which started this week.  For our first lesson we learned about pencils, crosshatching, shading and ellipses.  This coffee cup is a series of ellipses.  I was pleased with the result.

Join in the fun of photography here: ispy-74


  1. Looks like you'll have a lovely window view, ever changing once the garden starts producing! That coffee cup sketch is wonderful - quite realistic!

  2. Your new place looks like a blank canvas for you to plant and develop. Ian will be pleased to be able to have his workshop for a few more weeks!
    Loving your cuppa - that is a fabulous drawing and I can see why you are pleased with it

  3. Can't wait to see what you do with the garden and a lovely view over it too-your coffee cup is brilliant! Sorry but happy is never aword I will associate with dentists-absolutely terrified of them-due to the school dentist treatment all those years ago!!!
    Carol x

  4. I have to agree with Carol about the dentist, oh the school dentist was called Miller the killer....I will leave the rest to your imagination haha.... great post Carol and so nice to see your new 'Digs', be lovely when your done and dusted, and your drawing is fabulous, clever lady.xx

  5. I love your happy photo. What a great sign!

  6. Love your new view! Your drawing came out really nice. I haven't stretched out my old drawing/ painting muscles in so long.


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