13 June, 2022

iSpy #75

 iSpy photo challenge  #75

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

this weeks prompts are: weather, sharpen, by accident, start with N, your choice.

Weather:  June is the first month of our winter and we are having a huge weather event.  While it has been horrible here with rain, thunder and lightning, in other parts of the country there has been hail, snow, tornadoes and incredible rain and wind.  Here was a spot on our  flooded patio with rain patterns, I had to wait for a lighter time of day because it has been so dark with the thunderclouds.

Sharpen:  While unpacking I found these colourful pencils that I keep for the grandchildren:

By Accident.  Well this was an Ikea wardrobe that I store my fabrics etc in.  While moving it from one place to another with a handtruck, our son lost control of it, it tipped over sideways into our car smashing only the taillight assembly.  The car needs a new taillight, but the wardrobe is broken beyond repair, with all the fixings torn out.  It was quite graceful really as it tipped over and hit the car, it just slowly disassembled itself.

Starts with N:  A NOTICE.  I rediscovered this in the move.  My boss brought this back for me years ago when he travelled to US.  Of course I had it on my side of the desk so visitors wouldn't see it.  A bit of fun.

Your choice: the underside of a rose leaf, such a delicate pattern and the veins are almost see-through.

Check out the offerings, here:  ispy-75


  1. Love all the pics Carol what a shame about the wardrobe and lucky it was just a taillight damage to the car.LOve the brilliant snarky sign and the raindrops on the rose petal looks amazing so delicate
    Carol x

  2. Great pictures Carol and just glad the wardrobe didn't do more damage but shame all the same. The weather sounds very similar to ours, gets boring fast, I think the leaf raindrops are beautifully captured.xx

  3. Another great job. Love the leaf photo. I love everything about the sharpen photo.

  4. Sorry about the wardrobe accident, and the bad weather - hope you're staying safe in the storms! Love that rose leaf photo!


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