13 July, 2022

iSpy #79

iSpy #79 Week starting 10 July

 Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

This weeks prompts are: Shelf, selfie Quarterly, drinking, starts with W, your choice.

Shelf:  Who sits on the top shelf of the bookcase? Dusty of course!   ( I guess he could start with W for wood or maybe wabbit?)

Selfie Quarterly:  I am very self conscious and hate having photos taken, fortunately Ian makes me laugh and it seems to work out ok.

Drinking: no, not that sort of drinking, this is us having tea this morning.  I have a mug like this saying "desperate housewife" (but the writing has mostly washed off - maybe I have more cuppas than Ian?), so I took a photo of Ian's mug.

Starts with W:  Some of these are made by Ian on his lathe (the less polished ones); I love them gathered in this bowl of dried rose petals.

Your Choice: We were round at the old house last night selling some stuff, and while we were waiting for people I got this shot of the full moon reflected in a large puddle of collected rainwater.   We have had a lot of rain this week.

Check out the offerings by the lovely ladies who join in the challenge, here:  ispy-78-82


  1. Fabulous photos Carol. You look very happy in your selfie

  2. Oh I love these Carol, the rabbit is gorgeous, never seen one like that before, you look fabulous in this photo, is that a new 'do'.... The wood fruit is something I do have, just four apples complete with teeth marks but I like them. That photo of the moon over your old home is brilliant and last but not least love the grumpy old man mug haha...Thanks for sharing,

  3. Fabulous photos Carol,love Dusty and you look great in your selfie-I hate having my photo taken too! Great pic of the moon love the reflection you captured-we had a brilliant clear view of it from our bedroom window last night
    Carol x

  4. You look beautiful! I love Dusty - at my house anything sitting on top of a shelf is likely to be dusty . . . haha!

  5. Hey Kym, why do you think he's up there!

  6. Oh I love that reflection photo. Your husband is very talented with his lathe; those wooden fruits are lovely and your selfie is great! I think we are always far to critical of ourselves (I don't usually like how I look in selfies either).


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