06 August, 2022

iSpy #80

 iSpy #80

 Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

I'm a bit behind, but catching up...

This weeks prompts are: On Board, Workspace quarterly, Favourite, Summer, Your choice.

On Board:  a sign at the end of the road.

Workspace quarterly:  

Favourite: my favourite spot for birdwatching.  This fella has just had big splashy fun and, as you can see from the dribbles, nearly emptied it.

Summer: Well it's winter here so that's what you get this week.

I hope you have a look at what others have done and join us here: ispy-78-82


  1. Always love the i-spy posts Carol, its nice to get alittle insight to your surroundings.Some great pics, thanks for sharing.xx

  2. What a sweet spot to get to watch birds! Thanks for being such a loyal ispy contributor!

  3. What a perfect birdwatching spot! That sign is just adorable.


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