20 August, 2022

iSpy #84

 iSpy #84

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!   

This week the prompts were: Everyday, Plant Quarterly, Strapped, Starts with V, Your choice.

Everyday:  For me the day starts with a milky coffee, on a fine day it's outside.

Plant Quarterly:   We just re-planted our thornless blackberry - totally bare at the moment - will look totally different in 3 months.

Strapped:  this was the best I could do; the strap of my shoulder bag.

Starts with V:  Vase of Flowers
these are daffodils from bulbs we brought with us from the old house - they have flowered better here!  I moved them against the dark background and I like the shading of the background and the shadow.

Your choice:  This is our new water garden, seen from inside the house.

I hope you enjoy these little moments.  See what the others some up with, here:  ispy-84


  1. Love your take on the 'strapped' prompt Carol - another lovely selection of photos.

  2. Great pics for the themes Carol love the beautiful daffodils
    Carol x

  3. Great pics again Carol, your daffs are so pretty, I have just bought a big bag of bulbs for next springtime. Love that bag too, I have one like it somewhere, may have to hunt that out. Thanks for sharing with us again.xx

  4. Coffee is the best way to start the day! I love the photo of the daffodils - the color contrast is perfect!

  5. So many great photos. Really love the daffodil pic.


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