23 August, 2022

iSpy #85

 iSpy #85

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!   

This week the prompts are: Something I can't live without, Spot in Town, Sometimes, Corner, Your choice.

Something I can't live without:  decent knives

Spot in Town:  Cambridge side street.   As  you can see it has been pouring with rain all week.  This old building sits on a corner and mainly houses an antique shop and various other small boutique shops.  I think it used to be a hotel in days gone by.

Sometimes:  ... we eat at Gengy's Mongolian Barbecue.

Corner:  Here is a corner of a quilt shop.  It seems most quilt shops have these lovely little displays tucked away for us to discover.

Your choice:  We had a frost one morning and a lovely sunny day after (this is the edge of our semi-communal backyard, see three other houses).

Check out the photos here:  ispy-85/  


  1. Another great I-spy Carol I love these posts. Xx

  2. HI Anonymous, I hope you will identify yourself sometime? CarolG

  3. Such an interesting spot in town! Is the little red structure a phone box? Love the photo from the quilt shop too.

  4. Nothing quite like a decent set of knives Carol, I agree.
    Another set of wonderful photos. Love meandering around Cambridge and finding those wee boutique shops in the bigger, older buildings

  5. Love all the pics and definitely agree about the knives
    Carol x

  6. Great piccies and perfect for the challenge Carol. I have a help link, so people can stop being anonymous. https://www.lifeandlinda.com/2022/07/a-fix-for-anonymous-commenting-with.html
    Faith x

  7. Hey Kym, it's an old phone box converted to a community book exchange! Clever huh? I might use it in another prompt sometime. CarolG

  8. The frost on the lawn is such an interesting photo and I just love that cute little spot in the quilting store.


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