28 October, 2022

Garden tour: garden one

 This week we went on a two-day garden bus tour.  One of the ladies in our village used to be a travel agent and does a wonderful job of organising trips.

We visited four gardens the first day, two falls and a garden the second day.

The first garden.  My favourite.  Relaxed in style and just inviting a wander, with different views around each corner.  A wonderful mix of formal and informal, lots of vignettes, and incorporated the wider environment so beautifully.

The garden is out the back of Taumarunui in the wilds of the king country.  We had a severe unseasonal spring frost last week which had burnt some tender foliage and unfortunately killed some magnolias.  While the garden was amazing in spring I think it will be absolutely wonderful in summer.  The two guys who live here have done a wonderful job; they run it as a B&B.

Up the driveway with beautiful Aberdeen Angus cattle

the garden by the house where we were served morning tea.  Notice the hosta just poking through.

A bronze statue of two children playing with a donkey

A little surprise in the underplanting

The same fountain from different entrances to the garden room. A couple of the 'leaves' had frogs on.

Hidden away is the tennis court in the background; this is the croquet lawn.

Modelled on the lips of a real man and a woman but in giant size.

The rill, built with a haha that drops away to a valley with hills on the other side - what a view!

Finishing at the vegetable garden with giant pottery pumpkins

A superb garden, and remember it is still mid-spring, so imagine what it will be like in summer.  
Then back on the bus.  Another instalment later sometime.


  1. Fabulous photos Carol. Can we return during another season?

  2. I guess this is Janette? This garden is about three hours drive away and not on any of our usual routes, so unlikely. I think too they only open by special arrangement. However, watch this space. Cheers, CarolG

  3. Ah, so anonymous is Gayle. Yes Gayle, I would love to go back in full summer bloom but before it gets too hot. CarolG

  4. What a wonderful place to visit - a long trip, but so worth it - hope the other gardens were equally beautiful. The rill is stunning!!

  5. Hi Carol, no for once it wasn't me :)) I have loved having a 'wander' with you, what fabulous gardens, bet you felt at home in there though !! Its amazing to see all the flowers and trees coming to life when ours are all going to sleep, very sad about the frost getting some though. Thanks for sharing.xxx

  6. Beautiful pics and fabulous views-a lovely place to vist-love the urn of lavender
    Carol x

  7. OH! Such beautiful gardens Carol, sounds like you had a great time.
    Faith x


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