17 October, 2022

iSpy #93

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Have a look...

The prompts were: Starts with R, Band, Selfie quarterly, Bent, Your choice.

Starts with R: haha! a Rock concert: Rocktober!

Band:  a rubber band ball.  Who sits there for hours making these balls?  I think the close up looks a bit like a cabbage or the centre of a rose or flower?

Selfie quarterly: enough said.

Bent: I spotted this water jug with a bent spout at the service station when we filled up with petrol.  To start with this was the hardest prompt and by the end of the day I had found lots - a bent road barrier, bent light standards, smashed car etc. but this was by far the cutest.  I love the drip just sitting on the tap.  Psst... the water carrier looks a bit like a goose doesn't it?

Your choice: the baby double white cherry blossom at the end of the garden just coming into bud... most of the single cherry blossoms are nearly over.  It was planted in the autumn and looks so interesting from below.

Check out this week's collection, here:   ispy-93


  1. Great pics as usual Carol love the fabulous rock,your new profile pic and I noticed the water drip on the tap straight away lol
    Carol x

  2. Your 'rock band' had me giggling Carol - I picked that the prompt was rock, but your caption was what gave me the smile. Love your interpretation of bend also. You are looking fabulous - your move, now it is over, must be agreeing with you :)

  3. Thank goodness I didn't miss this Carol always love the I-spy post and this is so good and I have to say you look so well in your photo..xx

  4. Great minds think alike on the rubber'band's pic :-)


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