06 December, 2022

iSpy #99

 Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday).   This week begins 5 December

Prompts this week are:  Special, Blunt, Starts with S, Food, Your choice.

Special:  a vintage perfume bottle I was given.  I don't know how old it is, but I've had it for years. 

Blunt:  this smartphone holder has blunt arms and legs

Starts with S:  it's nearly Christmas, so here is a Swan-a-swimming  from my 12 Days of Christmas ( I am working my way through the set and have the last four still to finish)

Food:  Yay, our first fruits from the garden since we moved here in April.  We brought the tub of strawberries with us (the birds actually ate the first two from the new crop)

Your choice:  With the first of December, our summer has officially arrived!!!! however whenever I use this shopping bag it always feels like summer

I hope you go look at what the others have done with these prompts, here:  ispy-99/


  1. Love all the pics for the prompts-fabulous vintage perfume bottle and love the embroidered swan
    Carol x

  2. Your perfume bottle is stunning Carol - love it. And your beautifully stitched swan as well :) Is that from a Sue Spargo kit??

  3. These are all great to see Carol, that perfume bottle is so beautiful, I must tell you the phone holder has solved a mystery for me. I have the two parts to it but had no idea what it was for, it was sort of placed in something I bought as a 'gift', but could I fathom it, glad I didn't chuck it out now hahaha.xx

  4. Lovely examples Carol, love the Swan you have made, so beautiful. So is the perfume bottle, love the phone holder, so cute. Good crop! :) A lovely summery bag.
    Faith x


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