04 February, 2023



It has been so wet here the past couple of weeks, not photo-taking weather, even though it is stifling hot and humid.  We are having to put on the aircon in the evenings so we can get to sleep.

I thought this time I would do photos around our environment so you can see where we live.  There are no fences, but camellia hedges define our areas.  The gardens are looking better now and should look quite different next summer as they haven't even been in a year yet.  We had a few plums off our plum tree and the lemon and mandarin tree have lots of fruit even though they are only about a metre high!  

the house from the front

The house from the back yard

Our street

From inside the house looking out to the back yard

Our vegetable patch

And I noticed this weird fungi growing in the rhubarb.  It looks a bit like a curled-up pancakes with  egg inside.

See you next time, hopefully with some pics from out and about.


  1. Hope you are both well. Looks amazing. Plenty of space. I'm sitting in the Black Lion having a 🍷🍷. Take care. Catch up again soon.

  2. Great pics and a lovely neighbourhood-very weird fungi
    Carol x

  3. Your 'village' looks to be more spacious than I first thought it may be. Your gardens are developing nicely. That fungi looks fascinating... hope the rhubarb survives.
    It's certainly been warm and muggy, and today we got to 30.3 oC with the humidity way up... I have my fan going, and although it has a cooling function, it is barely having any effect!

  4. What a sweet place to live Carol, its beautiful. I can only imagine have such wonderful trees like Lemons and Mandarin, how amazing, sorry your weather is crazy, it seems to be the world over. That fungi is proper weird.xx

  5. A Beautiful house and neighbourhood Carol, Love your veg, but the fungi? WOW! I hope you can let us know which kind it is? Love you've had fruit too. You have had your showers of rain haven't you?
    Faith x


I'm so glad that you came to visit and took the time to leave me a comment! Thank you!