05 June, 2023

Here are some fun gi's

 More autumn-ness.  Yesterday we had a wander round the village and found lots of fungi.  Our son-in-law foraged and took some home to identify and see if they were edible.  He has a knowledgable friend.

there were round ones like balls

Ones that look like berets

some that look like pikelets

ones with brown crackle tops

latte ones  ... and red ones

white ones with little knobs on top, caramel ones with brown smuts

frilly ones that look like waterlilies

tiny ones

BIG ones

ones with lots of friends

lonely ones

yellow ones

and ones that like to wander off ...

I didn't see any fairies or elves though.  Maybe I should go back at night?

Hope your day is sunny and bright with maybe some magic in it.


  1. Love all the fungi-my son has a very interesting book on fungi-did you know they have intelligence-really interesting read!
    Carol x

  2. How wonderful would it be if we did catch site of a fairy or two, lovely. I have never seen so many mushrooms, they look so good but I do feel sorry for the single one, haha, so sad.. Can't believe the figs dropping from the trees that is something I will never see for sure, do hope they were edible, so yummy. Thanks for sharing your walk carol.xx

  3. Figs? what figs Janette? I think they are not magic mushrooms! ;-D CarolG

  4. With all those bark gardens, it's no wonder you have so many fungi - I discovered one called a basket fungi this year - starts as a round ball, then 'explodes' into a white, basket like structure - hard to describe, but I do have a photo of it.

  5. What a fabulous and amazing set of fungi. There has to be some fairies hiding amongst them!
    Faith x


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