23 June, 2023

VIVID Sydney #5 Feathersdale Wildlife Sanctuary

 This one is about the un-cute Australian animals at Feathersdale Wildlife Sanctuary.

They certainly wear beautiful skins, but they are just where I like them - behind glass!  Thankfully we don't have snakes in NZ, but Australia has most of the world's deadliest snakes ... and spiders (eeechk).

Lizards (I forget the names). This one would be nearly a metre long, tip to tip.

And here's a good camouflage suit if I ever saw one!  He would be about 0.75 m long.

Feel like a snuggly snake?  I think this one was a python.

There were several kinds of pythons, as well as lots of very venomous snakes.  


I don't know if this is one or two snakes!  Probably only one as all the others were solitary.

And ... see if you can spot the snake in this one!

It's right in front of you!

And the skeleton of a snake.  How amazing is that?

That's it folks.  
After Featherdale, we went down out of the mountains into Parramatta to get the ferry downriver back to Darling harbour as the evening drew to a close.


  1. Love all the beautiful snakes and skeleton,our corn snake is beautifully coloured and is now 47 inches long-it's shed skin looks amazing -it comes off in one complate piece and you can see all the scales the mouth and even the eyelids
    Carol x

  2. Like you I prefer the snakes behind glass - even if I did hold one! I found the camouflaged one, that was an incredible photo.

  3. Oh no, I am not a fan of snakes, behind glass is fine but NO, I just can't and some are so big and scare the life outta me Carol..xxx


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