27 July, 2023

Happy Fishes


I sent this to my son-in-law who was really sick with covid.  He is a keen fisherman, loves being out in the sea, so inside I put a message that he'd better get well quick because the fish were having a happy time without him. Nothing like the sun on sparkling water to lure us in.

The stencil was the negative part of a die that looked like waves.  The fish were part of a larger die set with a net.  The fish are coloured with DI's too and some have sparkle added.

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  1. A really great CAS creation, many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts this week and being inspired by our blue option.

    B x

  2. Great card Carol. Superb colours

  3. What a fabulous card, love the design Carol and that water looks very inviting.
    Hope your son-in-law is recovered. xx

  4. A fabulous CAS card design for our challenge this week. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts.

  5. A clever and wonderful card, that I'm sure gave him a smile. I hope he's OK and recovering? A Super make Carol.
    Faith x

  6. Fabulous CAS card love the sparkly happy fish and hope your SIL feels better soon.When I was young I used to go fishing with my Dad he went sea fishing but off the beach and I went along on the back of his motorbike -we played Gone Fishing at his funeral 14yrs ago and still can't listen to it now
    Carol x

  7. Fabulous blue cas card!
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  8. Beautiful card.
    Thanks for joining us at the DAK Challenge.
    Greetings Andrea

  9. Brilliant CAS card, perfect for our monotone challenge. Thanks for playing along with us at AAA Cards :)

  10. I love this CAS card, beautiful movement~ Thanks for sharing this lovely creation with us at the Inspiration Station Challenge Blog this month. Smiles, Kathy DT


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