04 July, 2023

Octa The Awesome


I used the coloured option for the octopus and coated it with WoS for sparkle.  The fish are stamped on patterned paper snippets, fussy cut & paperpieced, also covered with WoS.  The seaweed is satin fabric trim (isn't it wonderful?) and the bubbles are drop out bits from a previous diecut.  I purposely left bits hanging outside the edge - just because I like it like that!  I thought the background EF looked like waves/water currents.

Digi Image Octopus: Mirtillament    

Fish stamps: unknown

Embossed senti stamp: unknown

EF: Sizzix

Tag die (cut in half): unbranded

Also: Wink of Stella (clear). It is so hard to catch the sparkle in photographs.

Shared on challenges:

pixiessnippetsplayground-457 the fishy bits ... and I guess the drop-out bubbles are too

simonsaysstamp-monday-summer mood

asyoulikeit-favourite-plain-or-patterned-papers-why  Plain because I often like to make my own backgrounds






  1. What a clever and fun card, with innovative ways of putting it all together. I absolutely love it.
    Faith x

  2. Congrats on your GDT Carol,great fun card,love the octopus and little fish
    carol x

  3. Fabulous Carol. Lovely card.

  4. What a fun card using up your snippets - and thanks for sharing a photo of the snippets too! Great sentiment!

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you on the swings later! xxx

  5. A Brilliant fun card
    Thank you for joining us at Crafty Catz Challenge Blog good luck Ginny DT for Crafty Catz Challenge Blog
    My Blog

  6. What a fun card Carol - love the image and how you have used it with the satin 'seaweed'. The wee fish are fabulous and who would have thought to use that particular embossing folder as waves - only you and your great creativity. The wee dots are a wonderful extra to this wonderful creation

  7. A wonderful fun card Carol, love the way you caught the movement of the water.xxx

  8. This is really a great maritime card. The octopus is so stunning and so fun. I love your beautiful layout. The seaweed looks very pretty and I like that lovely embossed background. The fish complete this beautiful scene.
    Thank you for participating in Do-Al(l) Kreative's latest challenge.
    Hug Uschi

  9. Such a fun card Carol - and you captured the whole scene so perfectly. Wonderful sentiment, great use of snippets - love the seaweed fabric trim (clever) i and a great sentiment! Perfect card.

    Di xx

  10. Wow, that's awesome! I love the embossed backbround and the little details. Very nice make Carol! :-)

    Thanks for playing along with our Do-Al(l) Kreatives Challenge and good luck!

    Hugs and please come back soon!
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *Owner*Critter Crazy Challenges
    *DT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2


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