02 November, 2023

Someone Cares


Any kind of Critter is welcome at Critter Crazy but it needs to be the focus of the card.  Have a look at the design team inspiration and join us here:  crittercrazy

I love these snarky cats and combined it with a print from my gelli plate experiments.  The trellis is part of a stencil, and the cat is stamped onto a snippet of patterned paper with the head stamped again and popped up on 3D foam.   Oooh I love getting inky.
Cat & senti is Tim Holtz, distress oxide inks, white pen, gems

Shared on challenges:
pixiessnippetsplayground-466-snippets  cat stamped on snippet patt.paper


  1. Fab background design and I'm still sniggering at the sentiment! Brilliant! Thanks for joining in at Crafty Catz this week.

  2. Brilliant,great background-love the cat and snarky sentiment
    Carol x

  3. Such a fun card Carol with a great background - an awesome result, especially with that snarky comment

  4. Love it Carol. Those cats are such fun. Love how you've used the patterned paper for the cat.

  5. OMG, this is a cute as it is funny, I laughed out loud!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at The Sisterhood!
    Diane TSH DT
    {Nellies Nest}
    {The Sisterhood}

  6. Hahaha Oh my word Carol this is so funny, you have a way with words. A fabulous card. xx

  7. Love the look of your gelli print background Carol. Great cat and purrfect(!) snarky sentiment! LOVE this card.

    Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse for fun and games later. xxx

  8. Whoops, almost choked with laughing whilst drinking a nice cup of tea here! Great card and the sentiment is absolutely brilliant!

    Di xx

  9. Very fun!! I'd never use the sentiment (though there are many times I would want to!), but it looks like it fits that cat image perfectly! And what a fabulous background!

  10. Love this Carol hahaha, very funny :-)

  11. Beautiful card! Thanks for playing at The Crafting Challenge Dt Manuela


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