18 July, 2015

Even more fishy

Let's Colour; One layer masculine.

One layer and masculine card, and colour.  I had to do this one again as I didn't realise the whole thing had to be one layer, not just the front.   Anyway here it is ...   and the photograph is not so good, but it is very early in the morning here and this one is just using artificial light.

The base card is masked and sponged with six shades of distress inks.    The Fishy stamp is Inkadinkadoo, covered with Glossy Accents.  Clean and simple, I think anything more would ruin it.

Thanks for calling in for a looksee.

Shared on challenge:



  1. I love the beautiful colours in your inky bit of sea!
    This is such a fun card and perfect for a chap!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. Thanks so much for recreating your lovely card, Carol. Inked panel once again looks great!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  3. This is such a great card! Thanks for playing in this week's challenge over at Creative Inspirations! xxx

  4. Fabulous masking and inking here, love the colours!
    Thank you for joining us for one layer week
    Less is More

  5. Great, simple design. Thanks for joining in at Creative Inspirations.
    CraftyNatalie {DT}


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