18 July, 2015

Birthday princess

Mojo 406 sketch

I started this one inspired by the bright floral strip.  I tried it on a white base card and it was ok... but on a black base card it looks fabulous (it's actually brighter than the photo shows).  Base card embossed with Docrafts Primrose.   The coordinating papers found themselves, so it was just a matter of getting the proportions right.  I know on the die the letters all line up, but I like things a little different so just dropped the D and added a wonky crown and a bit of a flourish as well.  There you go, fit for a princess.

Diecut letters are Sizzix Celebration Words
Base card embossed with Docrafts Primrose.
Diecut flourish Spellbinders

Shared on challenge: 

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