15 November, 2015


Christmas Critters

Animals are one of the main features of Christmas in lots of ways.  I've always loved Pink Petticoat's (Liz) images, and this is one of her reindeer.  Isn't he cute in his bowler hat with a sprig of holly?

Image coloured with Lyra watercolour crayons, touched with a sparkle of Kindyglitz (red and white), glammed up with gold cord and tiny bells (that actually work).  Matted onto gold mirror card and then a black base card.

Shared on challenge: http://papertakeweekly.blogspot.co.nz/2015/11/christmas-critters.html


  1. He really is cute Carol, and you did a great job colouring him in. I love the glittery nose you have him and I also like the fabulous sentiment. Wonderful!

  2. Hi Carol, cuteness for sure. I think Pink Petticoat has closed down now but am not sure...Do love your design and your blog and taking a photo of cashew nuts below this page is a great idea. I have joined as a follower seeing you are 'next door'.
    We are off to NZ next month for a break after dad died to relax a little. Going to the sth island Queenstown. You any where near there?
    Flying straight from Sydney...looking forward to the break.

    I have candy too if you want to follow me, keep in touch and join in...
    cheers, aNNie x
     { aNNie}

  3. What a sweet card, You were asking the terms of the DT at Come and Get It, we would have a 6 month term to start, and if you like us and we like you, you could be on it as long as you like. Thanks for asking.

  4. Yes, aNNie, Pink Petticoat has just closed down. I am so very glad I bought a lot of Liz' stuff over the last few years.
    Sorry, we are in the North Island just a couple of hours south of Auckland, so won't meet you this trip. Enjoy your travels!

  5. Super sweet Carol . . . I love PP images too, it's sad she is closing down! Hope your Sunday's going great! Hazel xx

  6. too cute Carol. Such a sweet image.

  7. This is adorable Carol, I love that super sweet reindeer and your fabulous CAS design! Thanks for joining us over at Creatalicious and thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Hugs, Tammy

  8. Cute CAS card Carol. Love the image. Thanks for sharing with us at Creatalicious in our "Merry Christmas Challenge" and we hope you will join us again real soon. Hugs, Gale DT

  9. Just nuts TFS Craft Rocket Anything Goes Challenge This project is fun ....Lis DT


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