15 November, 2015


N for Nuts (oh yes and Neutral), Anything goes

Who doesn't love cashew nuts? 
I photographed some cashew nuts, printed them out on the computer then over stamped with a  jar. Stamped the lid on gold paper.
cut a fishtail banner in layers and sanded the edges a bit.  The neutral paper background has subtle tiny vari-coloured dots.  I very rarely do neutrals, finding it difficult to make them look interesting, but this one seems to have worked.

Jar & sentiment stamps: Hero Arts

Shared on challenges:


  1. Such a fun card, a clever idea and a fabulous take on our challenge theme! Brilliant work and thank you so much for sharing your project and for playing along with us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog... :)

  2. What a good idea, love it! Thanks for joining us at Craft Rocket, Claire DT x

  3. This is awesome, love that fun nutty card...Thanks for joining Craft Rocket Challenge!


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