27 August, 2017

Game Birds

Another challenge at Come And Get It challenges - this week it's "use two different embellishments", check it out: cagichallenge

I love this image from our sponsor Pickled Potpourri: pickled-potpourri.com/hunting-fowl-digital-stamps

My two different embellishments are a feather and brads.

I printed the image, then masked it for the stencilling and splatter (which unfortunately I could not get to show up very well in the photo).      Click on for a closer look.

Image: Pickled Potpourri
Sentiment stamp: Stampers Anonymous
Also: embellishments (feather, brads), gold pen splatter, perfect pearls splatter.

Shared on challenges:
2craftycrittercrazies -challenge-5


  1. Very nice. I love the addition of the feather. [Bunny]

  2. Great CAS card love the image and stencilling
    Carol x

  3. Nice addition of the feather. If I may ask, what type of masking did you do for your card? I have not done masking with digis. Thanks for sharing your creation with us @ Incy Wincy Designs Go Wild Challenge. Good luck!-Maria Giselle B.

  4. Wow, that's just awesome! Love the background and the design! Very amazing work!

    Thanks for playing along with this 2 Crafty Critters Crazies Challenge and good luck!

    *GDT* 2CraftyCritterCrazies
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives (#8 – Birthday (Summer kids are the best))
    *DT* Die Sketchtanten

  5. A beautiful elegant and stylish card! The feathers are a perfect add too. Thanks for joining our challenge at Fussy and Fancy. Marlies

  6. Carole, I absolutely LOVE everything about this one - the black and white image against that spattered background, the feather embellie, the classically simple design - all are fantastic! Thanks so much for playing along with us in our "Anything Goes with a featured Critter" challenge at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies this month.
    NanaConnie DT

  7. Oh how pretty! And the real feathers are such a gorgeous touch! Love! Hugs, Autumn

  8. Carol - I love the design of your card. Very pretty. Judy


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