01 September, 2017

Travelling Man

The challenge at the Crafters Café this time is Boys will be Boys, so check out the design team's work and join the challenge here: crafterscafechallenge

The Crafter's Cafe Challenge Blog

Lisa at Decosse Doodles provided the great paper and elements (all from the "Touch of Class" range), check out her site here:

I guess because in NZ we are a 2.5 hour flight from our nearest neighbour and are so isolated, we are a travelling nation, so I decided on a card for a big boy (after all, boys will be boys and hop on a plane when they feel like it).   I don't know of a single New Zealander who hasn't been out of the country at some time, and a lot of us like to travel a lot!  Kiwis can fly!

Geometry paper: Decosse Doodles, "Touch of Class"
World panel:  Decosse Doodles, "Touch of Class"
Apple frame:  Decosse Doodles, "Touch of Class"
Clip:  Decosse Doodles, "Touch of Class"
Arrows dies: Verve & Couture Creations
Tickets stamp: Heidi Swapp
Trip & Journey stamps: Kaisercraft

Shared on challenges:


  1. We surely can fly!! Love your card - the strong colours are wonderful

  2. Lovely bright colours and fab layout,

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Moments,

    Hugz Tinz

  3. Thank you so much for joining my Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper September challenge with your lovely crafting - hope to see you again soon x

  4. Beautiful card!
    Thank you for joining us at "Love To Scrap Blog Challenge". Best of luck with your entry and please do join us again very soon.

    Irena DT member for LTSCB


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