14 February, 2021

I Spy #6

 Today is the start of another photographic challenge with Lysha with I Spy #6.

The recipe this week is: Messy, Writing, Glass, Alive, own choice.

Messy:  I was at a cafe on Saturday and on the next table was a messy tray ready for the wait staff to collect.

Writing:  I found this scrap of fabric while tidying my craft room - I bought it because I love the colourful writing and encouraging messages.

Glass:  I noticed this little cameo and loved the way refraction, reflection and liquid changes what you see (there aren't three chairs, only two! and the blinds look like they are going the other way).  The dark areas enhance the reflection.

Alive: I have been waiting for this chrysalis to hatch, and spotted it just after the butterfly had emerged and was still drying out it's wings.

Own choice:  these are my young chickens Rosie (red) and Jacky (black); they are 10 weeks old now and just starting to grow their combs.  They are very nosy and like to know what is happening.  Look at the amazing striped pattern the sun makes of the wire netting onto the bottom board.

I hope you like my selection for this week.  I am enjoying the directed observation exercises this challenge brings.

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  1. Fabulous photos Carol - love the messy tray, and also the way the chicks are looking at you - they really are nosey creatures.
    Stay safe

  2. Carol these are so beautiful, you caught life and beauty, very clever.xx

  3. Brilliant collection of photos Carol very artistic photography
    Carol x

  4. I love how you have interpreted all the prompts. I really like that fabric - what do you plan to make with it?

  5. Thanks everyone. Suze, I have already used it on a wall panel, in a sewing kit bag, on the inside of another bag (a nice surprise element when you open it), and various other random stuff. CarolG

  6. What a great catch with the butterfly! We had a monarch hatch on our patio a year or so ago and we had a great time watching it.

  7. I LOVE your pictures. I also like how you described what all could be seen in the pictures of the glass and the chickens. Some of those details I would have missed otherwise.


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