12 February, 2021

I Spy #5 Photography challenge

I just discovered this challenge via Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday challenge.  It's  FIVE photos following a recipe.  For those in the northern hemisphere, you have to remember it's summer here.

In answer to your question Lysha  - yes, I take photos all the time, whereever I am, always on the lookout for a subject.  

I Spy #5 is:   Collection, Yellow, Tiny, photographer's choice, photographer's choice.


Collection (of quilt blocks on my design wall - I am trying to decide how to arrange them for the quilt).

Yellow: the meadow we have ended up with because the lawnmower broke and is getting fixed.

Tiny:  my fishpot filled with tiny tadpoles.  The little ones are only the size of a middle digit fingernail head-to-tip-of-tail.  I like the strong diagonals in this one.

Photographers Choice 1: My fabulous Compassion roses

Photographers Choice 2: Rapanui Beach (west coast, Taranaki, NZ)


Oh this was fun!  

Shared on ispy-5


  1. Love all your photos and the meadow looks beautiful uncut
    Carol x

  2. Wonderful photos Carol - those tadpoles are fascinating - it's a while since I have seen any :)
    Stay safe

  3. Love seeing your photos Carol, got to admit the meadow looks beautiful it really does and those tadpoles,I haven't seen for a few years, glad you have shared, oh and the quilt blocks are looking gorgeous.xx

  4. Thanks so much for joining in on our photo challenge, Carol! I am so fascinated with quilting. What gorgeous pieces! Your compassion roses are beautiful. Love the angle of the photo.

  5. What a wonderful selection of photos. I must admit I like the "meadow" look while the lawnmower is broken. I'm not familiar with that beach but your photo makes it look so serene.


I'm so glad that you came to visit and took the time to leave me a comment! Thank you!