19 April, 2021

Daisy Girl


Incy Wincy current challenge is COLOURS OF SPRING and/or EMBOSSING (heat or dry)

Check out the inspiration from the design team and join us, here:  incywincydesigns

Thanks to our sponsor, Colours of Love for this image, get it here: colourofloveshop sugi-s-tulips

Image: Colours of Love - Sugi's Tulips


  1. A gorgeous card Carol, very sweet image.xx

  2. lovely embossing and sweet daisy's, thanks for sharing at Crafty Catz blog challenge ...Tilly

  3. Beautiful Summery card and cute image -love the daisies
    Carol x

  4. Beautiful! I love the embossing and the gorgeous flowers!
    Thank you for joining us at Polkadoodles Gem of a Challenge! Jane S (DT) Paper, Pencils & Pretty Things xxx

  5. A very pretty card, love the embossing!

    Thanks for joining in at IkesWorldchallenges
    DT Val x

  6. This is lovely. Love that ribbon. Thanks for joining us at Cute Card Thursday. Hugz Andrea.x

  7. Awesome card. Fun image and card design. Thanks for sharnig over at Colour Crazy, Crafty Catz, Do-Al(l)Creative

  8. Lovely work! Pretty colours and I love the Flower Ornaments on the right side.

    Thanks for playing along with our Do-Al(l) Kreatives Challenge and good luck!

    Hugs and please come back soon!
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    *Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *Owner* Easter-Fun Challenge Blog
    *List Manager* Challenges for Days
    *DT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2

  9. Lovely card. I really like that flower die too

    Thank you for joining use at Digi Choosday Challenges

    Happy Crafting
    DT Sam

  10. Another lovely card, thanks for sharing it with us at Colour crazy.

  11. This is definitely a most delightful image for a girl's card! You colored the image fantastically and I love the papers and colors you chose! Thanks for playing with us at Ike's World Challenges this month! Nan, DT


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