18 April, 2021

iSpy #14

 iSpy challenge with Lysha.

This week the prompts are: Turquoise, Pills, Dots/Stripes, Something beginning with "A", own choice.

Turquoise:  I had a couple of ideas for this one.   I do have a piece of turquoise jewellery, knitting wool and fabric,  but I still love our velvet sofa which we've had for a while now.  Can you see how soft it is?

Pills:  Years ago in France I bought this gorgeous little pill box in Avignon which is great for the handbag ( I have needed to take pills everyday for the last thirty-odd years).  It gives me joy just to see it and handle it and remember our time there.  It has an enamelled picture of ancient floor tiles from the palais des papes on it in a patchwork pattern.

Dots/Stripes:   On Friday a friend and I were travelling to our quilt class in Rotorua and passed through a little town on the way.  I found this in one of the shops and (along with several other furnishing fabrics) had to photograph them to send to another friend who is looking for fabric to cover her grandmother chair.  Perfect for the stripes prompt?

Starts with "A":  Whenever I go out to see my chickens I have a bit of a wander around our home  orchard.  Remember it is autumn here, so this is my "A" - apples - ready to pick.

And my own choice: this week my autumn crocuses popped up!  I was wondering what had happened to them and as they only last a few days, I thought I'd missed them ... but no, here they are.

What a lovely week.  All taken on my Samsung phone.

Shared on Lysha's iSpy challenge, check it out, here:  ispy-15


  1. Lovely selection of photos Carol. Hard to believe these were taken on a phone.
    I like your turquoise couch. I have to admit that when I saw the word "pills" in your list that I immediately thought of pills in fabric!
    Your apple tree looks loaded with apples - plenty for you to enjoy.
    What a shame that the crocus only flower for such a short time as they look beautiful.

  2. A great selection again Carol, you do have some interesting pics, I love to see them.xx

  3. Lovely pictures. How nice to have crocuses. [Bunny]

  4. I didn't know there was such a thing as autumn crocuses! That's so cool! And I just want to sink into that sofa with a good book!

  5. You always find beautiful pics to match the prompts love your sofa our neighbour has just got a new velvet one in a beautiful deep green colour and lovely little pill box
    carol x

  6. Wonderful pictures Carol! Love the velvet sofa and pillows and apple picking season is always a favorite time for me! And how pretty is your pill box!!

  7. Oh I just love apple picking season! Your pill box is lovely.


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