02 May, 2021

Crafty Turtle


It's time for another challenge at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies, and it is always ANIMALS.  The design team have work to inspire, and you can enter here:  2craftycrittercrazies

Thanks to TNT for providing the image, get it here:  tntartspirations-fancy-turtle

As well as cardmaking, my guilty pleasure is quilting.  Most of my friends are crafty so it will be easy to find someone to send this to.  I printed the image twice and popped up the head so it stood out.

Image TNT tntartspirations-fancy-turtle

Paper & Sentiment: Pixel Scrapper

Also: Copics, ribbon, washi, Glossy Accents, charm, white Sharpie

Shared on challenges:





  1. The quilted turtle is so cute. Beautiful colors in the background too. Thanks for joining our challenge at Catch the Bug.

  2. What a fun card Carol. I could see your passion in this card - can completely understand the quilted turtle/tortoise. I am sure anyone in your Quilt Group would be thrilled to receive it.

  3. Beautiful card Carol love the layered quilted turtle and little scissors embellishments
    carol x

  4. So adorable!
    Thank you for joining Catch the Bug.
    Hugs from Africa!


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