02 May, 2021

i Spy #17

 iSpy #17  Lysha's iSpy challenge 2021

Prompts this week are:  backyard, working it, together, light, own choice.   All taken on my Samsung phone.

BACKYARD/Spring quarterly:   It's not spring here in NZ it's late autumn.   We have just finished building a new henhouse (the larger grey structure) and merged our two flocks into one.  Although I still love our hot pink henhouse it was too small for nine birds.  We used the little green henhouse for raising the chicks... now they are nearly ready to lay.

WORKING IT:  Ian putting the window in the new henhouse door, the finishing touch.

TOGETHER:  This was FUN.  We had granddaughter Rhiannon from Tauranga staying for the school holidays and our son Paul and his family turned up to help us with some of the big gardening work.  Here is my hubby Ian with Rhiannon and Sam (both 12) (cousins who don't get together very often) on the trailer taking a load of prunings to dump.

LIGHT:  Light as a feather.  At the moment my hens are moulting and I am finding feathers all over the place.  Here is one from Roxie, my beautiful Barred Rock hen.

OWN CHOICE:  My winter garden is coming along nicely, these are pak choi that in the last week have almost doubled in size.  I like the pattern they make with their beautiful veins.

Check out Lysha's iSpy challenge, here:  acameraandacookbook-ispy-17

Here's an extra Ian took of me with Roxie (see feather above):  We took the opportunity when introducing the hens to their new home to give them their regular beauty treatment.  They get dusted with diatomaceous earth for lice and their legs oiled to stop them getting scaly.  I'm sure they feel lovely afterwards.   Of course I get covered with the white powdered D.Earth as well, even though I'm prepared with a hat and apron.  It must work because I don't have lice or scaly legs!!


  1. I love to see your pics Carol and these are even better because they are all so personal to you and yours, the grandkids are having a blast there and love the chicken on your knee, lovely to see you BTW.xx

  2. These are fabulous photos! I especially love the photo of the cousins hitching a ride; it does look like fun and have taken a few photos of my guys like that too through the years.

  3. Love all your photos Carol -love the chicken on your knee and you have a fabulous big garden
    Carol x

  4. I love the picture of the pak choy in your garden. And the picture of the cousins riding with their grandpa reminds me of my kids and dad mowing together. What fun memories are being made :)

  5. Lovely selection of photos Carol. I love how you manage to turn all of those prompts into something to do with the garden!

  6. Haha Suze, it's because I don't get out much ... CarolG

  7. What a fun picture for "Together"! Love your idea for "light"!


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