27 July, 2021

iSpy #29

 iSpy #29    Gosh don't these weeks just fly by?  Here is Lysha's iSpy challenge again.

Prompts are: Backyard quarterly, Road sign, Strip, Lazy day, own choice.

Backyard quarterly:  We are well into winter now; today we had thunder and lightning, rain and hail!  July has been a month of frosts and beautiful clear sunny days, and then rain, wind & storms.  I really like the reflections in this one.

Road Sign:  This handmade sign is propped against a fence at the start of our road right beside the giveway sign.  
I wasn't sure if this counted as a road sign, so I've done an official road sign as well.  I thought it particularly polite.

Strip:  This is a quilt I'm working on at the moment ( you can see some bits are still pinned) with the bunnies made of random strips of fabric.

Lazy Day:  Over the winter I tend to hibernate, great now that I'm retired!  So on wet, gloomy days, I make a cuppa, turn up the heating, settle in with feet up and read books ... or knit.

Your choice:  The last rag-tag leaves still clinging on.

Yup, that's it for me for this week.

Check out Lysha's iSpy challenge here:  acameraandacookbook-ispy-2021


  1. Beautiful set of photos Carol you take some brilliant ones and good subjects too-love the polite sign lol and the really cute bunny on your quilt
    Carol x

  2. I agree with Carol's comment entirely, love the quip about the signs, and what a beautiful garden, enjoy your book, feet up.xx

  3. I especially love the bunny quilt and the rag tag leaves hanging on. [Bunny]

  4. I have never seen a Thank You road sign before! We had a rain and thunderstorm tonight.

  5. Wonderful photos Carol. Love that bunny, she's beautiful!
    Stay safe - keep hibernating :)

  6. wonderful photos! Such a pretty backyard view, and how nice to see a polite road sign saying "thank you" - that's different!

  7. I love your backyard picture and the first road sign is perfect!

  8. Want to see final product when your quilt is completed. Your grass is green for it being winter there.


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