01 August, 2021

iSpy #30

 Hello again!  It's time for Lysha's photographic challenge #30.

Prompts were:  pieces, tied, scented, grid, your choice.

Pieces:  I thought the pieces of glass that make up our front door panel was appropriate for this one.

Tied:  Here are some herbs and flowers I have tied up in the garage to dry: gypsophila, lavender and bay.

Scented:  I know it's obvious, but my Compassion rose really is one of the most scented varieties.  On a warm day the scent is heavenly, and it flowers like crazy.  It is about 8 feet high and we cut it down to that height so we can pick the flowers; who knows how high it would grow unchecked?  It flowers  nearly all year round.

Grid:  this is the gridded glass mat that I work on when making my cards and papercrafty things.

Own choice:  Remember, it's winter here.  One morning it was so cold my bird bath froze over.  The birds could not understand what was happening, but fortunately it thawed once the sun got on it and they were happy again.

I hope you enjoy looking at some of my week.

Check out Lysha's challenge here:  acameraandacookbook-ispy-2021/

See how other people interpret the prompts.


  1. I am imagining the beautiful scent of those roses - which are gorgeous! Great photos!

  2. Wonderful pics again Carol, do love to see what u come up with. Xc

  3. Great pictures. Oh how nice that rose plant is. I do wish we could grow lavender here. Lovely to dry it out. [Bunny]

  4. Loving that pieces photo Carol :) and those herbs look lovely hanging there.
    I always knew if we had had a 'good' frost by the state of the bird bath :)
    Stay safe

  5. Oh I bet those roses smell heavenly! How nice that they grow year round. I love the pieces of your front door.

  6. I love the pieces of your front door. And that's so cool that your rosebush flowers year round. That would NOT happen here, unless it was indoors.

  7. Love your grid shot! I would love to add roses to our yard. So beautiful.


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