15 September, 2021

Girl Hugs

 YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR COMBO is the challenge at the Crafters Cafe - why don't you join us?  Here:  crafterscafeblogchallenge

Thanks to our sponsor  STAMPERS DELIGHTS for providing the image.  
It is a full body image, I just cut it down for my card because I wanted her bigger. And what about that cute wee kitty?   Get it here:  stampersdelights-chibi-my-kind-of-crazy

I made this for a friend of mine who is going through a hard time at the moment.   I gave the image a haircut to match my friend.
MY favourite colour combo is blue and green!

Frame die: Dienamics
Sentiment: unbranded
Also: Copics, ribbon, glitter, p.papers, white pen, D.Inks, pearl

Shared in challenges:

asyoulikeit-round-or-straight-edges I like both, it depends what the image tells me to do, this time I wanted her looking out a window, so straight edges.


  1. Gorgeous card Carol, I love the image you used and lovely colouring.xx

  2. LOve the cute image and great P.paper in the background I thought it was stamped
    Carol x

  3. I love blue and green too. This is such a cutie. [Bunny]

  4. What a gorgeous card Carol. Love the colours on your background papers.

  5. You gave a good haircut there! Thanks for sharing with Polkadoodles this week Nelly dt x

  6. I also love making the card specific to the person it's going to - but I think she almost looks like your profile with her little hands on her chin! Super cute card that I know was filled with love! Thanks for joining us on Polkadoodles Crafting! Pam, DT

  7. Fantastic card, and so pleased you played our challenge at Cupcake Inspirations. Have a great day!

    Leanne DT Member/CIC
    Cupcake Inspirations

  8. So fun! Thanks for playing along at Cupcake Inspirations!

  9. Your friend is going to love this card!! I like that you personalized it with the hair. Your coloring is fabulous!! Thank you for playing with us at Cupcake Inspirations!!

    DT Member
    Cupcake Inspirations Challenge


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