15 September, 2021

iSpy #36

 iSpy #36

This week the prompts were:  Remembrance, dainty, heart, TV, your choice.

Remembrance:  Whenever I spy this little glass millefiore, I remember the time we spent in Venice.

Dainty:  I love hatpins.  Here are three I made displayed in a pincushion I made using a little teacup set I found in a junk shop.

Heart:  Here are some heart shaped pot mitts I made for a daughters friend.

TV:  I took lots for this prompt, but like this one because it reflected out living areas, inside and out.  You can see the stacker-sliders out onto the deck with the gazebo curtains fluttering in the breeze, or should I say snapping in the gale?  Also spot my jar of feathers that I collect on my strolls.

My Choice:  Citrus.  Our trees are loaded this year - mandarins, tangelo, lemon, lime and grapefruit.  Ian has made lots of marmalade.  I have been making lemon syrup cakes.  

Check out the other photographic records at Lysha's iSpy challenge, here:  ispy-36


  1. I love all of your pictures. I did have to look up the word millefiore, Your hatpins are fabulous along with your lovely cup and saucer.

    Homemade marmalade. Wow! [Bunny]

  2. What a fabulous set of pics once again Carol, really love the back story with each one and am amazed, of course, to see all that yummy fruit just growing there on your trees, I should be so lucky it must be wonderful to just grab one.xx

  3. Lovely photos! I am so jealous you have so many different types of citrus plants at your fingertips.

  4. All great photos love the hat pins in the beautiful cup and saucer and great bounty of citrus fruits I love lemon drizzle cakes
    carol x

  5. HI there, just to reply to your comments about the fruit: we can grow almost anything here because we are in a temperate zone. Our temperatures are quite a narrow band generally averaging 10 - 25 deg C, but we do get the odd frost and last summer we were in the 30's.
    We also have avocados, various plums, pears, apples, oranges, lemonades, pecan nuts, plumcots, blueberries, raspberries etc. We will certainly miss these when we move next year (sob, sob). CarolG

  6. Okay, I had other things to say but now I'm all distracted by how lovely it would be to grow our own citrus. YUM!!!


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