18 March, 2022

iSpy #62

 iSpy #62

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

This week the prompts were: Weather quarterly, Opposite, Statue, behind the scenes, your choice.

Weather (quarterly):  We haven't had rain for ages and are desperate for some (see how the grass has died).  Today some clouds came and looked like rain, but sailed off again.

Opposite:  We spent the week at Whitianga (a small beach town), and on our way out for dinner, I spotted this lovely reflection of what is opposite the restaurant.  I thought it looked like the elephants were walking down the street!

Statue:  Also taken in the centre of the town Whitianga, the statues of birds as you walk along the birds turn.  The pattern carved out of the wings is a traditional maori design.

Behind the scenes:  (At Whitianga)  You might have guessed I'm a bit fascinated with reflections at the moment.  Here is a  quilt shop window.   It has a quilt with a scene and then the reflection adds the scene of the street.

Your choice:  ON our way back from the restaurant we walked along the beach.  The moon was rising and made a lovely shot (even if the exposure is up the creek.  Taken on my phone).  You might even spot some birds that were taking a moonlight stroll as well.

Have a look at what other folks have done, here:   


  1. Beautiful use of the reflections Carol, and some stunning photos.
    We are also hanging out for rain here.

  2. Beautiful photo's Carol, sorry for your lack of rain, wish we could share ours, we have been swimming in the stuff. The reflections are marvellous and I just love the statues, how wonderful to see. The beach walk looks amazing, another fabulous i-spy.xx
    ps. love the quilt in the window....x

  3. Such neat reflections! I really enjoyed the one where it looks like the elephants are walking down the street. I hope you get some rain soon. Between snowmelt and rain we've had lots and I wish we could send some your way.

  4. Love you takes on the prompts especially with the reflections-brilliant inspiration -we have had loads of rain but sun last couple of days
    Carol x

  5. I love all your reflection shots this week. And I hope you get some rain soon. Droughts are hard.

  6. Our water supply is rainwater collection and it is getting really low. The trees are desperate and dropping their leaves to survive.

  7. We would love your rain - send it on over!!! Thanks. CarolG

  8. Great shots this week! I hate when we so badly need rain and it goes right around us.


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