20 March, 2022

Spy #63

 iSpy #63

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

This week the prompts were: Front yard quarterly, propped, starts with C, Through, Your choice.

Front yard quarterly:  this will be the last one taken here; the house is sold and we move in six weeks.

Propped:  I propped this lovely note I received in the mail from our granddaughter, who lives a distance away, anticipating a wee holiday with us. 

Starts with C:  China Collection spotted in a cafe.

Through:   Put the knife THROUGH the slots to get nice even slices of homemade bread.

Your choice:  My fat bottom girls, out having a hunt and peck in the garden.

Check out the amazing range of photos taken under these prompts, here:  ispy-63


  1. You will miss your fabulous home Carol - but I am glad for your sake it has sold. Are your 'fat bottomed' girls going with you or staying put?
    As usual some wonderful photos, and some unique interpretations of the prompts

  2. Awww Carol I will miss seeing your beautiful home and I too am wondering about your fat bottom girls, it makes me feel quite sad, I hope you will be happy though. I love the letter from your granddaughter, where would we be without the girls. Another great post Carol, take care lovely lady.xx

  3. Yes, relieved that it sold, sad to leave but realise it is necessary because of Ian's health. We are boarding the girls out. Ian's cousin lives nearby and they are willing to have them as long as we look after them. So we will try that and see how it goes, otherwise friend of ours are willing to have them. So we won't be saying goodbye totally. CarolG

  4. I can imagine you been sorry to leave but health comes first and no wonder your lovely house sold.I was wondering about the girls too but have just read your comment -love the gadget for cutting bread.
    Carol x

  5. Goodbye to a lovely house - and now on to a new adventure that I hope will be a happy experience for you!

  6. You must be glad your house sold! That collection of china is really fun. I am excited to see pictures of your new place as you settle in.

  7. I'm going to miss y'all's house. I hate that you're moving. [Bunny]

  8. What an interesting collection! Cool find.


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