03 July, 2022

iSpy #78

 iSpy #78

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Get inspired!

this weeks prompts are: sparkle, wet, rounded, banana, your choice.

Sparkle:  this is the sparkly part of a card I made this week.  It looks so sugary and delicious.

Wet:  the bird bath is now in it's new position under a flowering cherry tree and filled with water.  Hmmm haven't seen any birds use it yet.  For some reason birds sometimes bring stones and drop them in.  Does anyone know why?

Rounded:  a salvaged bottle that sits in the bathroom with lovely rounded lines.  I've had it for years, and just now when I photographed it, I had this idea to replace the ribbon with pearls ... wouldn't that be glam?

Banana:  today for lunch we had croissants with various fillings.  This is a dessert one - banana with chocolate sauce - yum.

Your choice:  This morning our new house is flooded with winter sun, so the sliders are open and the sunshine and gentle breeze are visiting.    So nice given that the forecast for the coming week is rain, cold, storms, and even snow in some places.

That's the selection for this week.  Check out the others, here:  ispy-78


  1. Great pics Carol your room looks very sunny and open.Grandaughter Hollie has just sent me a pic of sliced banana on toast she is doing the 5k mud run for Cancer and running for her Uncle Fred-Johns brother who dies a couple of months ago,she is running with Sian(her Mums partner|) and her sister-Helen is also doing the run with a neighbour.R.E. the stones in the bird bath do you think they are testing how deep it is?
    Carol x

  2. Your dessert croissant looks so yummy! I am loving how bright and sunny your new house looks.

  3. Oh Carol you have made me really hungry, that banana looks so yummy...Love the new house, looks so nice, the sparkly is a nice touch, as for the birds I have no idea why the drop stones in, I always put a big stone in incase any bees or the like need a drink..xxx

  4. Great photos, Carol. Your new dinning area looks lovely

  5. What a lovely spot you have there Carol, and your dining area looks gorgeous.
    I always kept a large stone in my birdbath for the birds to perch on to bathe.. someone told me to do that, and I got a lot more birds using it. But why they drop small ones in I don't know.
    A fabulous selection of photos

  6. I'm also curious about why the birds would add stones to the birdbath. I do know that many birds are more likely to visit when there is a stone to perch on. (I have some time on my hands so maybe I'll hunt down an answer!) I love your sunny and inviting dining space! Great photos!

  7. Sweet House Mouse card. I love the pink popsicle and the mice sure do look like they are enjoying it. Beautifully done.

    Enjoyed your other pictures and your dinning room looks lovely.


  8. Beautiful light coming in. Love it!


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