04 September, 2022

Feel Better Pills


Instead of boring white or same-colour pills, wouldn't be great if they came in rainbows to cheer you up?

Die: Rosie's Studio

Senti: unknown (from my bits box)

Shared on challenges:



  1. Love your thinking Carol, and such a delightful card - a wonderful, cheerful one for a get well card.
    I think we need some of those pills - we are in isolation again after DGD has come down with covid - again, plus laryngitis and bronchitis. DGS and I both have coughs, for me, it is the result of a chest infection, but am finally starting to improve...

  2. Coloured pills would be great Carol I have to agree, I know I get bored with the same old same old, this would be great. Wonderful cheer up card.xx

  3. GReat idea love your bottle of rainbow coloured pills
    carol x

  4. Love your coloured pills, very original! Fab take on our moodboard, thanks for joining us at AAA Cards.

  5. Wow, those pills are so creative! Love the way you incorporated pattern paper in your card. Great choice of images for the moodboard and CAS perfection! Thank you for joining us at AAA Cards. Hugs ~ Ishani.

  6. I've enjoyed looking at several of your whimsical cards! Your house mouse design cards are so cute. Would love for you to link up each week at the #HomeMattersParty every Thursday (9pm est USA) through Monday. Hope to see you there!


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