07 September, 2022

iSpy #87

 iSpy #87

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). Have a look...

This week the prompts are: Repeat, Backyard Quarterly Starts with T, Vision, choose anything monthly.

Repeat: Shoes - repeat in different sizes.  My friend has been looking for shoes for her daughter's wedding and I saw some on sale I thought she might be interested in, so I snapped (on my phone) the shoe, and then the boxes as I wasn't sure of her size.

Backyard Quarterly:  The house on the right is our house (two neighbours in the background).  The plants are still newly planted and I expect the next photo will be quite different.  The two maple trees will be in leaf, the triple plum and other fruit trees will have leaves and hopefully embryo fruit.  The camellia hedge on the very left is the boundary between us and other neighbours.

Stars with T:  Tulips, we've had the daffs, now it's tulip time.  Amazingly, these tulips are white/cream with pink streaks on the outside, but bright yellow inside with hot pink right at the bottom.

Vision:  the carrier bag from the optometrist. 

Choose anything Monthly: September - new plum tree is in blossom

Other stuff; check out the other snappers here:  ispy-87/



  1. perfect interpretations of Repeat and Vision. Those tulips are beautiful - one of my very favorite flowers.

  2. Stunning interpretations of the prompts Carol, and fabulous photos. I am so missing my big bed of tulips... so I enjoyed the photo of yours.

  3. Great pics for the prompts,love the beautiful tulips and plum tree blossom
    Carol x

  4. Those tulips are gorgeous! You have such a lovely backyard too.

  5. Great pics as always Carol, your home looks lovely and can't wait to see everything coming into bloom for you, those Tulips are so pretty.xx

  6. What a lovely backyard space!


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