10 November, 2022

iSpy #96

Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). 

Have a look...  remember it is SPRING here in NZ.

This week the prompts are: Leaf love, on your plate quarterly, monochrome, No humans allowed, choose monthly.

Leaf love:  These two heart-shaped leaves are snuggling together, definitely leaf love!

On your plate quarterly:  one night I made lemon meringue pie ... oh yum!  This is the left over bit saved for the next night!

Monochrome:  I noticed this interesting monochrome shot of our car - all red.

No humans allowed:  a Japanese Spitzer called Amber lives on our street - she is so cute, well behaved and beautifully groomed.  I love this shot with the tongue!

Choose anything monthly;
November's shot:      

October's shot:  

That's all folks!  Check out the selection, here:  ispy-96


  1. Beautiful shots Carol, the leaves are wonderful and that sweet dog, so cute, fancy abit of your pie too looks yummy, and what a difference a few weeks can make to a view, everything fills out in spring, love it.xx

  2. Your choose anything pics remind me of the change in temperature from October to November in NZ
    That pie was delicious. I wonder why there wasn't much left for the 2nd night? G X

  3. Beautiful pics and he lemon meringue pie looks delicious
    Carol x

  4. Great choice for leave love! How cool to see the difference a month makes in your monthly shot.

  5. Great photos Carol, and love your interpretation of the prompts - especially the monochrome and leaf love shots. That Lemon Meringue pie looks amazing - no wonder there was not much left :)

  6. I love those heart leaves! You did a great job with each of these prompts.

  7. Beautiful and interesting photos! The leaf love one is perfect for the prompt!

  8. Love seeing these piccies of yours.
    Faith x


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