16 November, 2022

iSpy # 97

 Each week, Lysha puts up a photographic challenge with prompts for us to look out for, then we share on Lysha's Saturday (my Sunday). 

Prompts this week are:  Acorn, Plant quarterly, Brown, Forever, Your choice.

Acorn.  Because it is still spring here, there are no acorns, however my clever husband makes these keyrings from oak on his lathe.

Plant quarterly:  here is my thornless blackberry awakened into life.  

November: the first new leaves.  

August: it was just dead sticks.

Brown:  what is a nicer brown than the chocolatey top of tiramisu?

Forever:  these two ammonite fossils have been around forever, or at least for the longest time of most things on the planet!  They are beautiful.

Your choice:  Now for something totally different; this won't be around forever - a mural found on a wall in town

Find out how others interpreted the prompts, here:  ispy-97


  1. Wonderful use of the prompts Carol, and great photos - love those acorns!! Looks as though you may be able to enjoy a few berries this summer. Yes, I love tiramisu also - a great choice. That wall art is amazing - love it

  2. Another fab post Carol, those acorns are brillinat, clever hubby, nice to see your plants coming back to life, although I have to say after cutting back so many plants ready for winter here, a few are coming back, they must think its spring with this mild weather... That mural is wonderful what great colours.xx

  3. Love the fossils and beautiful mural,used to love collecting acorns

  4. Those acorn keyrings are very cute! And chocolate is one of my favorite brown things.

  5. Love the acorn key rings! And what a beautiful mural. Great job this week!

  6. A Great choice of piccies Carol, but you have a very clever hubby, those acorns are awesome.
    Faith x


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