28 November, 2023

HM&FMC #404 Christmas Wakeup Call


Anything Goes/CHRISTMAS is the theme at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.  Get a peek at the designers inspiration and join in here:  housemouse-challenge

The image is coloured and fussy cut with Stickles added to the hats and a paper pieced cosy blanket.  I just happened to have EP for the stamped sentiment the same colour as the sparkle card for the background! Amazing!  I didn't want an obvious Christmas sentiment, so added a more general one.  There was so much going on in the image I just punched two corners, more and I think it would've looked messy.  Gotta know when to stop eh?

Image: House Mouse    

Tag Die:


Punch: EK Success

Also: Copics, Stickles, white pen, PattPaper

Shared on challenges:





alphabetchallenge-q-is-for-quadruple-shapes-or-images  four mice


Eeeeekkkkk!!! Welcome back House-Mouse FANS!

We are here with a new challenge for you.

Anything Goes with the option theme of Christmas

Hosted by our Talented Teamie Lorraine

 so join the fun!  Please use  a House-MouseDesigns(R)
  House-Mouse Friends /Happy Hoppers, or, Gruffies image stamped/decoupage or CD rom.

We are  Generously Sponsored by

We are thrilled to be welcoming back our AWESOME sponsor,
the Official Mousey Family, House-Mouse Designs(R)

HMD is offering a Lucky player a $20 Gift Certificate 
to go shopping at the official House-Mouse Designs(R) site!

One Lucky Winner will receive a 
$6 Voucher to spend @ Di's Digi Stamps
We welcome back Di's DigiStamps 

Many thanks to our generous Sponsors for their continued support.  


  1. Awww Carol those little mice are so adorable aren't they, what a sweet little card and love the shine too.xx

  2. Love the cute image and whose Idea was it to give trumpets for Christmas lol.
    Carol x

  3. I don't know Carol, Was it you? CarolG

  4. Stopping by after linking up my own card at Crafty Catz Challenge. This is super cute, though that little guy who was sleeping doesn't look very happy!

  5. super cute card Carol. Such a fun image.

  6. Super cute card Carol :-) I used to play the trumpet, so this has special memories for me ;-) absolutely adorable <3

    Hope you have a great week!
    Lols x x x

  7. Noted the punched corners Carol, and love them - that is one cute, and fun, image, and your card is amazing

  8. Another super creation Carol, these mice are so very cute!!
    Thank you so much for playing along with us at I spy with my little eye!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  9. What a Christmas wake up call this is! Poor litttle sleeping mousey. Cute card! Have a good week. xx

  10. what a cute and lovely card Carol.....gr karin

  11. Fantastic fun and cute card Carol - love it! Thanks so much for sharing with this month's "I Spy With My Little Eye" challenge theme "Sparkle and Shine"
    Pauline xx

  12. Great card. Thanks for sharing it with us at the Crafty Catz Challenge Janet DT.


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