27 November, 2023

Surfy Santa

 Here in NZ we have a midsummer Christmas celebrated in the heat with a glass of chilled something or other sipped under a shady tree!  I hope it makes you feel hot if you're in a cold climate.
So here is a summer santa looking sharp (and cool) in his beach shorts and shirt, with paper piecing, dry embossing, and stencilling.  The paper piecing is from tiny snippets of leftover patterned paper.

Stamp (paperpieced): Close to my Heart            

3D EF: unknown

Stencil (using one side of a diecut cloud) unknown

Sentiment: Papermania

Punch: Fiskars

Also: Copics, gold pen, Stickles, DI's

Shared on challenges:






stampingsensations-november-get readyforchristmas



  1. Lovely fun card, Santa looks great in his surfing gear too. Love the paper piecing. xx

  2. Great card,love the surfing Santa and great paper piecing.
    Carol x

  3. Perfect Christmas card for the NZ festive season!!!

    Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. There’s a glass of something chilled awaiting you up in the playground treehouse!!! Xxx

  4. Hi Carol just popping back to say---Thank you for joining us at Stamping Sensations.
    Carol DT x

  5. It's fun Carol, like the idea of Santa on his surfboard, many thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  6. This is a great fun card from NZ. Santa looks cool in his original green too. Thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations.

  7. So fun! I love your fun surfinʻ Santa and what a great looking board he has! Thanks so much for playing along with us over at Craft Challenge! We hope to see you again.

  8. A gorgeous card
    Thank you for joining us at CRAFT Challenge Blog challenge.
    Good luck Ginny DT for CRAFT Challenge Blog

  9. such a fun and fabulous Santa image Carol, and so beautifully paper pieced. Now to hope the weather cooperates for a great sunny day!

  10. Hi Carol, a fun and very Sunny Santa, much more suitable for a Summer celebration, love the patterned papers. Thank you for the inspiration.. Megan

  11. Beautiful funny card. Yes, christmas is always related to snow and cold. But never thought that in other country's can be warm weather. Thank you for joining at stamping sensations.

  12. What a great card this is - we're heading into Winter here at high speed. Sigh. Pretty to look at but ...........

    Santa does look all ready for a surfing session! Super paper piecing as well.


    Di xx

  13. A great card for those celebrating Christmas in the sun!
    Thank you so much for entering our challenge this week at CRAFT Challenge looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Hugs Sheryl CRAFT DT xx

  14. Great card, Santa in the sun, just right for our christmas on the sunny side the world love the decorated surfboard

  15. Love surfing Santa Carol, thanks for joining us at Creative Inspirations Jayne DT

  16. What a cute little image. I love your card also. Thanks for joining the challenge at Crafty Gals Corner.

  17. Carol this is perfect for Christmas in New Zealand. Love your paper piecing. Thank you for sharing over at Crafty Gals. Best of luck, Jana DT


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