02 December, 2023

It's all fun & games


Critters critters always critters, any critters!  
We would love you to join us at Critter Crazy Challenge, here:  crittercrazies

I decided to do a bit of ink blending using Distress Oxide inks, then spritzed.  Stamped the image and coloured with Copics.  Highlights with white pen.

Image: Tim Holtz snarky cats 


  1. Brilliant card and love the fabulous Snarky Cat and sentiment lol.
    Carol x

  2. Hahaha this is brilliant Carol, love this card.xx

  3. Fun and absolutely fabulous Carol - love that cat and how you have used him!

  4. Great Fun card Carol and thanks for sharing at Crafty catz

  5. Love your fun card and I'm sure it will make hubby smile. Thank you for joining in at As You Like It. Lynne DT

  6. LOL, this is sure to bring a smile to your Husbands face!! A great card. Thank you for sharing at AYLI. Sarah

  7. Such a fun Christmas card. Thank you for joining us at Creative Fingers Challenge!

  8. Loving your clean and simple design. That sentiment has me giggling and going to check my list. A wonderful creation for our Tis The Season challenge over at Creative Knockouts. Thank you so much for inspiring us. Good Luck!

    Tamie Camp
    DT - Creative Knockouts


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