Beautiful Creatures
I made this to showcase one of my hen's beautiful feathers. Suzy, was a Splash Orpington breed, with the most beautiful feathers. You might think there are two feathers on the card, but her under-feathers are double! so two feathers go into one quill, the underneath one being much smaller. I guess this is for insulation, and it makes them look like a frilly crinoline when they run. I was so glad I had gathered some of her beautiful feathers because recently a neighbours dog savaged her while she was free ranging on our property and she died. So this is a lovely memorial to Suzy.
I used three shades of blue Distress Inks to smoosh the base card, then stuck the feather on with snail tape.
I hope this meets the criteria for the creature and farm challenges. If not, my apologies.

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southerngirls-on-farm from a farm animal
Here is a pic of Suzy (on the left) and Lacy out a-pecking in the orchard. Ruby and Hetty must be scratching somewhere else as usually they are all together. Often they look like they are having a meeting of the Poultry Society.