
16 May, 2024

Sprig for You


Now and then I climb out of my box and do something like this.  I re-discovered my rub-on wax and decided it would be perfect for the dark green leaves cut from slightly textured card, the wax shows the texture beautifully.  Sentiment cut from mirror card. The almost-silhouette is set against a light spring-ish floral and lace - reminds me of sitting under the trees in summer - high tea anyone?

Background die: Memory Box 

Leaf die:

Lace die:

Sentiment die: 

Also:  Patt.paper, metallic rub on, gold pearls

Shared on challenges:





kiwimeskreations said...

This is stunning Carok - yes, I will join you for high tea :)

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

OH! Love what you have done Carol, and yes the "shade" of the leaves is just lovely with your pretty papers. x

crafty-stamper said...

Beautiful card and leaves the gold wax gives a brilliant effect and love the pretty paper.
Carol x

Janette said...

Stunning effect Carol, beautiful card. xx

Billie A said...

So pretty. Thanks for sharing over at Make my Monday